These books are his first published work with the aim to increase awareness about bitcoin even for those who have just heard of it for the first time.

Featured book
Hey Mom, I Bought Bitcoin!
A simple and comprehensive manual for all of the moms (as well as dads, aunts, and uncles) who still look at us in amazement when we talk about Bitcoin.
A guide to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies for those generations who weren’t born in the computer or mobile phone era.
A manual created to explain a complex topic using simple, commonly used words that anyone can understand.
Let us guide you through the history of the economy: from bartering to Bitcoin, we will analyze every step, every change that has revolutionized the “currency” concept—from Roman Empire’s silver coins to banknotes in China, moving through the skepticism of the populations that took centuries to adapt, all the way to digital currencies, their value, and the reasons that are leading them to make a real revolution.
The history of Bitcoin is still short, but the impact has already been impressive, both at an economic and corporate level. Everyone talks about it for different reasons using different arguments, from governments and banks to companies, criminals, and scammers.
If you want to understand more about Bitcoin, how it works, and why it has become such a hot topic, this is the book for you.
Bitcoin means money. In short, a new form of money. Since the dawn of society, the concept of money has changed many times, and each time humans have had many difficulties in accepting these changes. Acceptance, in fact, often took centuries. And this time is no different. The acceptance process has been long and difficult: the money is virtual and only exists in digital form.
quote from "Hey Mom, I Bought Bitcoin"
Also available in Italian:

Featured book
Mamma, Ho Comprato Bitcoin!
Un manuale semplice e completo per tutte le mamme (e papà, zii, fratelli) che ancora ci guardano stupiti quando parliamo di Bitcoin.
Una guida a Bitcoin e alle criptovalute per quelle generazioni che non sono nate con un computer o con un cellulare in mano.
Un manuale nato per spiegare un argomento complesso con parole semplici, parole di uso comune, che chiunque può capire.
Lasciati guidare attraverso la storia dell’economia: dal baratto fino a Bitcoin analizzeremo ogni passaggio, ogni cambiamento che ha rivoluzionato il concetto di “valuta”. Dalle monete d’argento dell’Impero Romano alle banconote in Cina, passando per lo scetticismo delle popolazioni che ci hanno messo secoli ad adattarsi.
Fino ad arrivare alle valute digitali, al loro valore e alle ragioni che le stanno portando a compiere una vera e propria rivoluzione.
Perché la storia di Bitcoin è giovane, ma l’impatto è stato impressionante. A livello economico e societario. Tutti ne parlano, e tutti con argomentazioni diverse: governi, banche, aziende, criminali, truffatori.
Se vuoi capire di più su Bitcoin, su come funziona e sul perché è diventato un argomento così discusso, questo è il libro giusto per te.