About Lorenzo
Born in Italy in 1988.
Currently living as a Digital Nomad, travelling the world and inspiring people.
Bitcoin early adopter since 2011, saw the revolution coming and embraced it.
Co-Founded two startups between 2013 and 2020.
More than 30 apps published in the app stores.
Lorenzo has inspired many communities such as...

Lorenzo's podcast with Avila Spaces
The RESTART your business, RECHARGE your life project, aims to share themes that we consider important for the Avila Spaces Community. These informal conversations are filled with new strategies and different ways of living and working, focusing on motivation and the rise of your potential! Every week we will receive a different guest in our Business Lounge for a LIVE chit-chat about BUSINESS and WELL-BEING on Facebook and Instagram @ 6PM!
This Tuesday, March 25th, Lorenzo Primiterra, Senior Mobile Developer, was our guest and talked about cryptocurrency and the world of Bitcoins as a way to invest.
Books by Lorenzo
These books are his first published work with the aim to increase awareness about bitcoin even for those who have just heard of it for the first time.

Mamma, Ho Comprato Bitcoin!

Hey Mom, I Bought Bitcoin!
Bitcoin means money. In short, a new form of money.
Since the dawn of society, the concept of money has changed many times, and each time humans have had many difficulties in accepting these changes. Acceptance, in fact, often took centuries.
And this time is no different.
The acceptance process has been long and difficult: the money is virtual and only exists in digital form.
quote from "Hey Mom, I Bought Bitcoin"
Lorenzo's Blog

Jan 10, 2022 – Lorenzo Primiterra